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Why That Company Name

Hello! And welcome to my first blog post! In this post I will be sharing the reasoning behind naming my company "Love You More." This company name holds great significance. Coming up with the name was so easy that it automatically felt right! The company name "Love You More" was chosen for three primary reasons.

Reason 1: Depression. Anyone can experience depression. No matter how seemingly perfect a person's life may appear, they can still experience this heavy burden. I have experienced it and I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. Mentally, spiritually, and emotionally I was at a low point and I was tired of feeling that way. It is true that you can think your way out of depression. I started replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. I started saying affirmations daily. Also, I tend to experience extremely painful and heavy menstrual cycles and grew tired of trying the various birth controls pills that doctors offered. I started researching methods aside from medication to heal both my body and my spirit. I began to find natural remedies for both! In my research I began to have the thought "When you love you more, you take care of you more!" I wanted to begin taking care of me more, mind body, and soul! I started making yoni steams and felt the difference it made in my body and menstrual cycles. I also began experimenting making various creams and body butters until I found the right mixes. I created a facial soap to use. In loving myself more, I wanted to take care of myself in a natural way. I also wanted to share my found gift with others!

Reason 2: I used to dread meeting a new person because I knew that they would inevitably ask a question that I hated to be asked..."So, what do you like to do for fun" I. Hated. The. Question! I felt that all of my answers seemed mundane and that I had not found anything that I truly enjoy doing. I mean, yes I had things that I liked to do but "reading, online shopping, & watching movies" seems like such a generic answer. I felt that I needed a hobby. I felt that one thing contributing to my depression was my routine lifestyle: forcing myself awake every morning, go to work for 8.5 hours a day, go home and do chores, eat, sleep, repeat. I needed something that I enjoyed doing. I know that I like to create but I am not artistic. Loving myself more meant finding a way to put more enjoyment into each day. As I began making products for myself, I realized that I truly have a love for it! I even love the trial and error products, it's so much more exciting when I get it right!

Reason 3: The final and most important reason for choosing the name "Love You More?" My grandmother, the late Willie Idell Whiting. To know her was to love her, literally. Everyone loved my grandmother and she loved EVERYONE! I have never met a more beautiful and caring spirit. A woman who would take in a homeless animal and a homeless person in the same day. A woman who would feed any and everyone. Whenever we would get ready to part ways with my grandma, of course she would always say "I love you." Naturally, we would respond "I love you too!" Jokingly, she would ask "You only love me two?!" We would respond with something crazy such as "No I love you a billion!" or "I love you to infinity!" No matter how great of a level we would reach, she would always tell us "I love you more!" And she did.

As you use products created by "Love You More," I want you to feel loved, as love is put into each product. I love each of you to guarantee that your products are made with love! If you are purchasing the product as a gift, I am sure that the recipient will feel loved as they receive it. If you are purchasing for yourself, allow yourself to take a moment and feel the love for yourself as you physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally take care of you!

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